Masks are off and it’s easy to become complacent, thinking COVID is done and dusted but unfortunately, it’s far from over. COVID is still circulating within our community.
Doctors at Park Street General Practice encourage you to remain vigilant to protect yourself and others from COVID and not falling back into old habits just because you think the pandemic is over. Infections may be climbing at a slower pace but we are being hit with a mix of COVID sub-variants and reporting changes have made the numbers difficult to interpret.
The most common COVID symptoms are runny nose, sore throat, cough fever, chills, sweats, and/or shortness of breath.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, please test.
What I need to do if I have COVID?
- If you have tested at home and have tested positive to COVID, it is important that you notify the Department of Health (see below).
- Most people will have mild symptoms and be able to recover safely at home with rest.
- Park Street General Practice can offer you a GP consult over the phone.
- You may be eligible for an anti-viral treatment.
- Stay at home if you are unwell to reduce the spread of the virus. It is still recommended that you isolate for at least 5 days and until you no longer have symptoms.
- A negative RAT result is a helpful tool to determine whether you are still infectious.
- Wear a face mask when you leave home for at least 7 days after testing positive as you may still be infectious.
Why bother reporting my positive result to the Department of Health?
If you have tested positive using a rapid antigen test (RAT) at home, you should report your result to the Department of Health online by filling in a form or by calling 1800 675 398
- after you report, you will receive text messages from the Department of Health
- your information will stay private. It is the same information that would be obtained if you tested positive on a PCR test.
Reporting your result can give you free access to medical care and medicines through the COVID Positive Pathways program.
You do not need to report your result if you tested positive from a PCR test as pathology labs automatically report those results.
Reporting enables the Department of Health to help people who need support with monitoring their symptoms, or access to medicines if you are eligible.
Reporting your RAT also helps the Department of Health to monitor trends of COVID-19 cases in the community. This helps our healthcare system prepare to help people who get sick.
Further Resources.
In a previous article, we pulled together a valuable list of tips to help you protect yourself and others from COVID.
The top tip is – wear your mask.
Feel confident to wear your mask in public especially in indoor settings even if no one else is.
Note: when you attend Park Street GP, you are still required to wear a mask regardless of whether you are showing COVID symptoms or not.
For more information on COVID we recommend visiting Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria
Call the Coronavirus Hotline if you need help to report a rapid antigen test (RAT) or if you have any questions about COVID-19. t: 1800 675 398
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